Adding Functions to a System Element

Adding Functions to a System Element

Adding Functions to a System Element

Prerequisites: an FMEA document is selected, the editor is active and system elements were created.

There are multiple views in which you can select a system element and add functions to it: the FMEA editor, the structure content view, and the PSS view. The result will always be the same.

  1. Right-click on the relevant system element.

  2. Choose New > Function. - Outcome: The "Add new function" dialog will open.

  3. In the first line, "Add", make sure "Function" is selected.

  4. Enter a name for the new function.

  5. The sequence number of the function can either be determined automatically by SOX with a consecutive number, or you may enter your own sequence number (optional).

  6. Type a description into the "Description" box (optional).

  7. Choose the function type (function, diagnosis, safety function, product characteristics, process characteristics, etc.). The standard type is "function". Choosing "diagnosis" adds another tab to the dialog, giving you the option to add more attributes regarding diagnosis.

  8. If you want to add another function, click on Save & New. Otherwise click OK.

Outcome: The functions were added.

Further explanation of the "Add Function" dialog:

Under the tab "Functions" you can see if there are other functions already added to this system element. Under the tab "Variants" you can assign the function to an existing variant (if any). Under "Catalog" you can see all functions of your project.


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