SOX Requirements Diagrams
The SOX Requirements diagram has been extended with the following stereotypes:
SafetyGoal (stereotyped SysML Requirement)
SystemElement (stereotyped SysML Block)
You need to create a Requirement document in the RM Module before creating a SOX Requirement diagram. This is necessary to select a parent module and type of a requirement in the diagram editor.
Requirements can be created or imported (ReqIF format) in the RM (Requirements) module. All added/imported requirements are automatically available in the system design and can be dragged
there into diagrams to link them with system design elements (Satisfy relationship in SysML). Linking
requirement with system design elements in other modules (e.g., FMEA editor) can be performed by
just dragging a requirement on the desired element. This causes automated creation of a corresponding
Satisfy relationship in the system design.