Creating a new HARA File
Prior to analyzing risks using HARA, you need to define an item. An item must consist of at least one system element with at least one function assigned to it having at least one malfunction.
As an example, the figure below shows a SOX Concepts Diagram created in the System Designer Module.
System elements, functions and malfunctions are available in HARA table to populate the corresponding columns as described in following sections.
To create a new HARA in the SOX web client, right-click the HARA folder, then click Create new HARA:
The Create new HARA dialog will open:
Make the following entries:
Name (required): this needs to be unique in order for the new HARA file to be saved.
Configuration (required): recommended is the SOX HARA ISO 26262 Table.
Description (optional)
Objective (optional)
Foundation (optional)
A second dialog will open prompting you for selection of one or more System Elements:
Select at least one System Element and click CREATE NEW HARA. The System Element as well as its associated Functions and Malfunctions will be available in your new HARA.
Your new HARA file will be created in the main panel.