Attack Path Analysis

Attack Path Analysis

To manage your attack paths, open the Global Attack Paths View or a catalog in the TARA Project Catalogs and click the grafik-20240827-061715.png - icon in the top right to add a new row.


Identifying Attack Paths

Attack paths can be added to a threat scenario by creating row in a nested table below a threat scenario. Right-click on a threat scenario and select Add Attack Path from the context menu.

This will create a nested table containing your threat scenarios. The table can be populated from the Project- and Global Atack Path view via drag-and-drop or by selecting one from drop-down menu in column Attack Path. Adding an Attack Path from a Global Catalog via drag-and-drop or via the drop-down-menu (indicated by the -icon) will create a copy in the Project Catalogs folder.

For each rating parameter or metric select the level from drop-down menu as needed. You may declare a textual Justification.


The next figure shows an example outcome with three attack paths added to a threat scenario. Attack potential method is applied for AF rating.

The Attack Feasibility is derived from processing the relevant input. The highest value, in this case, “High”, is propagated to the Threat Scenario.

Identifying Attack Steps

Attack paths can be characterized in more detail by adding one or more Attack Steps. The attack steps of an attack path can be derived from an Attack Tree Analysis (ATA). Alternatively, attack steps can be created directly in the TARA.

An attack step provides a variety of attributes allowing a detailed characterization of the underlying attack activity. Attack Steps are sourced from their associated Catalog in the TARA Project Catalogs folder or in the respective Global Catalog. Adding an Attack step from a Global Catalog creates a copy in the respective Project Catalog.

Add content as needed:

  • A text field is provided to assign a Name

  • A Vulnerability can be selected from the drop-down menu.

  • Select a Cybersecurity Property and Attack Class from the drop-down menu.

  • Preceding Step provides a drop-down menu listing all attack steps in the project to define the order of action.

At attack step level, the (local) attack feasibility can be rated as well as support ratings on attack path level. The rating method is adopted from the attack path.


To add an attack step in the TARA, right-click an attack path column and select Add Attack Step from the context menu. A nested table will be created in which the Attack steps can be added.


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