Calculation of Attack Feasibility

Calculation of Attack Feasibility

If the feasibility of the threat scenario is not obvious, an attack analysis can be used for the assessment. The structure of the attack tree is based on a top-down approach, so that the attack can be created according to the attack path of the attacker. For the calculation of the feasibility level at the top element, every element can be assessed with its feasibility. It depends on the selected norm, if the Threat Level (according to SAE J3061) or the attack feasibility rating (according to ISO 21434) is calculated. The attack potential parameters and rating levels are the same at every element. If every tree has a rated element, the attack feasibility can be propagated towards the threat.


Rating and calculating attack feasibility at element


  1. Select an element (Gate or Event).

  2. Go to properties view.

  3. Select ATA Node.

  4. Insert the values of the parameters.
    Note: The parameters and rating levels of attack feasibility rating depend on the selected norm when creating the ATA file.

  5. Select “Calculate Attack Feasibility Level”

  6. The calculated Attack Feasibility Level is displayed.


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