Performing a Pareto Analysis

Performing a Pareto Analysis

Another element on the lower tab of the FMEA Analysis is the Pareto analysis.

With the help of a Pareto diagram, from a multitude of problem causes you can extract those problem causes which have the strongest impact. You can see the importance of a cause directly in the diagram. In your diagram you can see the RPN (Risk Priority Number), the risk share and the revision state A (B).

If you hover your mouse over the diagram, the values will be shown directly.

If you click inside the diagram, the relevant element will also be highlighted in blue in the table.

Below the diagram, there is a table with the malfunctions. You can filter this table by entering a certain word into the filter field above it.

Note that you have the option to filter the results by clicking on the filter button in the right upper corner of the view. So doing opens the "Choose action groups" dialog.

A right-click inside the table opens a context menu:

Here, you have the following options:

  • Show malfunction in - Opens the FMEA editor and shows the selected malfunction (as part of a function/malfunction net), or opens the Model Explorer.

  • Configure table - Opens a dialog with check boxes to show or hide certain columns. It is also possible to rearrange the order in which the columns are displayed.

  • Reset to default - Resets your choice about which columns you wanted to show or hide.

  • Optimize column widths - Changes the widths such that no information in any column is truncated. Do note that this operation may have the side-effect of moving columns to outside the area visible on your screen. Scroll back or resize as required.

  • Show text filter - Here you can show or hide the "Enter filter text" field above the table.

  • Export table - This exports your table to MS Excel. The application should open automatically.

  • Export selection - Opens the selected part of the table in Excel.

Note that there are options regrading the Pareto analysis in the Preferences menu: in addition to naming your diagram, you can adjust the x- and y-axis and change the labeling of the axis and the diagrams title. You can also show grid lines.

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