Frequency and Difference Analysis

Frequency and Difference Analysis

This analysis mode represents another statistical application integrated into FMEA analysis.

A right-click inside the table opens a context menu:

Here, you have the following options:

  • Show malfunction in - Opens the FMEA editor and shows the selected malfunction (as part of a function/malfunction net), or opens the Model Explorer.

  • Configure table - Opens a dialog with check boxes to show or hide certain columns. It is also possible to rearrange the order in which the columns are displayed.

  • Reset to default - Resets your choice about which columns you wanted to show or hide.

  • Optimize column widths - Changes the widths such that no information in any column is truncated. Do note that this operation may have the side-effect of moving columns to outside the area visible on your screen. Scroll back or resize as required.

  • Show text filter - Here you can show or hide the "Enter filter text" field above the table.

  • Export table - This exports your table to MS Excel. The application should open automatically.

  • Export selection - Opens the selected part of the table in Excel.

Note that there are options regrading the Frequency and difference analysis in the Preferences menu: in addition to naming your diagram, you can adjust the x- and y-axis and change the labeling of the axis and the diagrams title. You can also show grid lines.

As opposed to https://enco-software.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=SUD&title=new%20Working%20With%20the%20Risk%20Matrix&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=3440582149, the Frequency and Difference Analysis lends itself to comparative reviews by placing two or more action groups alongside one another. Thus, it can be useful to derive a “before and after” juxtaposition by treating a revised Action Group as a potential improvement over the original one. The FDA will provide an indication as to the extent of any such improvement.

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