Editing a Control Plan

Editing a Control Plan

In a control plan table, you can edit all fields that are already labeled by double-clicking on them.

Adding-Removing Process Elements

Adding new process elements to a control plan:

You can add a new element to the control plan in two ways:

  • directly in the control plan

  • in the FMEA editor by right-clicking on a process (parent) element and selecting New > System/
    Process element.

If the control plan is created from the root element, all the changes will automatically be visible in
the control plan.


Removing process elements from a control plan:


You can remove a process element from the control plan by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete or Delete from Model.

Selection of Delete will call the Refactoring dialog:

You can also delete an element by clicking on it and then pressing the Del key (delete).


Changing the Name of a Control Plan

You can change the name of the control plan by finding the control plan file in the PSS view and
double-clicking on it.

The control plan file can be found in the PSS view in your project under the name of your FMEA file
and then under Control Plans.

Editing Process Number-Process Description-Machines

Editing the Part/Process Number:

To edit the part/process number directly in the control plan, double-click on the field "Number" in
the control plan. The number will then be highlighted and you can edit it by typing a number. Click
somewhere else on the screen to save the changes.

The process number is automatically generated when you create the project. A corresponding number
is then assigned to the system/process elements and their functions. If you change a part/process
number, the number of all child-elements / functions will be changed and adjusted to the parent's


Adding /Editing a Machine directly in the control plan:

To add a new machine to your process element, right-click on the process element. Then select New > Machine.

Outcome: the “Assign Machine” dialog will open.

Note that machines must be defined in a catalog for assigning machines to the process element.
If the “Machine” catalog is empty, click on New. - Outcome: a dialog will appear where you can enter a name for your machine.

Outcome: your new machine will have been added to the “Machine” catalog.

In the "Catalog" field, you can rename any machine by double-clicking on it.

You can also delete a machine by selecting it and then clicking on Delete. To save your changes, click on OK.

If you click on Restore Defaults any unsaved changes will be lost.

You can enter more than one machine for each process.


Adding-Editing Characteristics

Adding Characteristics in the Control Plan:

You can add product characteristics by right-clicking on the process element, and then on New >
Product Characteristic.

Outcome: a dialog will appear where you can enter the name of the characteristic and edit it.


Editing Characteristics in the Control Plan:

To edit an existing characteristic, right-click on it and then click on Edit process element.

If you only want to rename the characteristic, you can double-click on it.


Editing Classification

To edit the field "Classification", you can just double-click on it. A drop-down list will appear from which
you can choose the classification of the element.

You can also right-click on it and then select Edit classification.

Adding-Editing Specifications

Adding/Editing Specifications directly in the Control Plan:

In order to edit the field "Specification", the system/process element has to have a product or process
To edit a specification, right-click on the field "Specification" and select Edit specification. A popup
dialog will appear where you can edit the specification. You can only add a specification if your
process element has a product/process characteristic.

Adding/Editing Inspection Equipment directly in the Control Plan:

In order to add an inspection equipment in the control plan, right-click on the field "Specification"
and select Edit inspection equipment.

You can then edit the inspection equipment by double-clicking on it or right-clicking on it and then
selecting Edit inspection equipment.

Adding/Editing Responsibilities:

You can edit the field "Responsible" by double-clicking on it. A drop-down list will appear with your
team members. Then you can select the person, the process is assigned to, by clicking on their name.
You can only edit the field "Responsible" if the field "Specification" is labeled.

Responsible persons are linked with the employee catalog in the catalogs view. Thus, if you want to set
responsible persons to prevention and detection actions you have to create an employee catalog.

Adding Inspection equipment:

Note that inspection equipment is stored in an inspection equipment catalog in the catalog view. So
if you want to assign inspection equipment you have to create an inspection equipment catalog.
Right-click on the process characteristics and choose New > Inspection equipment. A dialog appears
where you can assign the inspection equipment.

For editing responsible, samples, size & frequency use the inspection equipment dialog.


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