Creating New Requirements in FMEA

Creating New Requirements in FMEA

To create a new requirement, right-click on a function or system/characteristic and choose New > Requirement and Trace.

Requirements consist of a certain number and kind of characteristics and attributes.

These attributes can be summarized as a type of requirement. Every requirement needs to be assigned
to a type of requirement.

To create and edit requirements, the following dialog will open:

Here, you can edit the characteristics of a new requirement. These include:

  • Parent (node): desired parent node of the new requirement. This field lets you choose between all previously created requirement parent nodes of the selected project. If there is no selection available, you have to create a module first. Note that the dialog will indicate (“OK” near the bottom) that the user has made an acceptable selection.

  • Type: desired type of the new requirement. In this field, you can choose between all previously created
    types of requirements.


  • Description: text field designed to take some brief comment relating to your requirement. Within the Editor, this entry serves as the requirement’s identifier.

  • Text: in case the type of the new requirement allows it, you can enter a text about the requirement here. Entries made here can be longer than in the Description field.

  • Norm: a selection of applicable standards is available here.

  • Safety/Security Level: another selection of industry standards. Note that the options available here are determined by the choice made, if any, under Norm. If none, Safety/Security Level will be disabled.

  • Variants: here, you can assign the new requirement to a variant (if one exists in your project).

  • Responsible: unless the employee catalog is empty, this field enables the selection of an individual in charge of administrating your requirement and/or project.

Complete the process by clicking on Finish. - Outcome: your newly created requirement will be associated with its parent, and will be visible as such in the Editor.

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