FMEA Operation Mode

FMEA Operation Mode

From the toolbar, you can choose an operation mode (construction, operation, service).

You can include or exclude elements with one operation mode at a time.

That means, in case a malfunction no longer has an effect in operation due to defined diagnoses and
Diagnostic Coverage (DC), this malfunction can be excluded from operation. The malfunction is thus
marked as inactive.

To achieve this objective, you go to the context menu (right-click on a malfunction) and click on Operation modes, which gives you the following options:

If you have for example excluded a malfunction for operation, this malfunction will be prefixed with
"(Ox)" before its name.

When switching to operation mode, this malfunction will be grayed out (i.e., deactivated).

To reverse this condition, change the operation mode or include the relevant malfunction:

As per the above screenshot, including the malfunction alters the prefix, and the malfunction no longer appears greyed out in the Editor.

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