SOX Features and Updates

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EnCo SOX provides a modular architecture to address all aspects of your work in the context of safety and security engineering. SOX operates in client-server mode (rich client and web client) and conforms to ISO 26262, IEC 61508 and ISO 25119 (safety), as well as J3061 (security). The SOX application suite fully integrates with IBM Doors (DNG), codebeamer, Jama, Polarion, Enterprise Architect, PTC, Jira, and other systems.

Principal SOX features include the following:

  • Client/server architecture

  • Branch management and versioning

  • Multi-user operation, incl. collaboration tools

  • Catalog management.

SOX 4.0 will see a migration of several modules toward web applications, which will further enhance the functionality aspects noted above. The first module subject to this migration process is HARA. We shall supply updated end user documentation accordingly.