Troubleshooting of the SOX repository

Troubleshooting of the SOX repository

How to Upload a Repository


  • SOX is running and you are connected to your repository.

  • You have access to an FTP client and your user credentials to access the EnCo FTP server.

If you need to upload a SOX repository for scrutiny by our support, please do the following steps:

  1. Identify your repository path. This can always be achieved by clicking the bottom right corner of the SOX window.

  2. Open the relevant folder and locate your repository (.db) file.

  3. This file needs to be compressed to reduce upload size. Any tool capable of creating .zip output will be suitable for the purpose.

4. Upload to the server can be done using any FTP client. In order to connect to the server, enter the server address: wp1070354.server-he.de and the user name, ftp1070354-develop, as well as your password. Server-side, navigate to the directory: /cms_wp/downloads/Datenbereitstellung. Using the FTP client’s file explorer, find your previously created .zip file and upload it. Wait for confirmation that the process was successfully completed.


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