SOX GUI (RCP Client)

SOX GUI (RCP Client)

Overview of GUI Structure

where --

  1. Menu bar

  2. Toolbar

  3. Perspective picker

  4. Editor

  5. General views

  6. Model Explorer

  7. Repository

General User Interface Concepts


The user interface of the SOX RCP client consists of multiple Views within the user interface. Views are typically used to navigate a list or hierarchy of information or to display properties for the active editor. Views can be freely opened, closed, arranged, and rearranged. The most relevant views are the repository view and the editor.

The Repository View:
The repository view is where you can find all of your SOX projects and files. It is usually situated on the left when starting SOX. You always start here when creating a new project, importing a project
or opening an existing project.
The Editor:

Most work within ths SOX client is done within the editor together with more specifiv views regarding the nature of your current project. For each module within the SOX desktop client, there is a dedicated view.

These are the three main parts of the editor:

The register [1] at the top indicates the current project.

Documents will be displayed and edited in the main part of the editor [2].

The register at the bottom [3] shows open documents.

Rearranging views:
You can change a view's location on the screen via drag and drop:

  1. Click on a view´s tab, holding down the mouse button.

  2. Move the cursor to another location in the same stack of views orto a different stack of views. - A gray vertical line indicates where the view will be placed.

  3. Release the mouse button. The view's tab has been placed at the new location.

You can even create a new stack (or area) for views:

When you drag a view around, you can see a double gray line appear at certain location.

This indicates that a new stack will be created if you release the mouse button there.

Minimizing views:
In the upper right corner of a view, click the “minimize” icon to minimize the whole stack of views and to move it to the left or right of the screen

Maximizing views:
In the upper right corner of a view, click the “maximize” icon. The selected view is now maximezed while all other sets of views will be minimized and moved to the left or the right edge of the screen.

Restoring views that have been minimized:

You can find the minimized views on the left or the right edge of the screen. Click the "restore" button to restore the stack of views.


Perspectives are predefined collections of views for specific modules. You find all the currently open perspective icons in the upper right of your screen:

"SOX Workbench" grafik-20241127-105018.png is the default perspective. Here you find the repository view, which lets you access all your files.

If you double-click on a file in the repository view in the workbench perspective, the corresponding
perspective will open.

1.Click on the Open Perspective grafik-20241127-105103.png in the top right of the workbench icon to open the "Open Perspective" dialog.

2. Choose the desired perspective.
3. Click the OK button to open the chosen perspective with the corresponding views.

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