Evaluating Malfunctions

Evaluating Malfunctions

The malfunction analysis (or malfunction evaluation) enables you to do a detailed
search for elements with the help of different filters.

To use the filters, expand the filter options by clicking on the plus signs.

The filtered data will be displayed in the table below.

Enter your search criteria, then click on the button Filter to obtain the results. As the following screenshot demonstrates, the hotkey CTRL + Space will open a list view for selection of possible inputs.

In the first filter block, you can filter for malfunctions. You can also filter for classification or S rating.
To achieve this objective, you need to enter a range you want to filter at the respective places. You can use the signs < (smaller), <= (smaller or equal), > (bigger), >= (bigger or equal) or = (equal).

It is also possible to filter the malfunctions according to the corresponding actions. This is what the filter
in the middle is designed to do.

There, you can also decide whether you want to filter for construction and/or operation and/or service.
The following criteria can be used here: A rating, S rating and RPN. You can again choose one of the
comparing signs and enter a corresponding value.

In the last filter block, you can filter for malfunction tasks. You have the following options:
name, state with or without comparing signs, priority with or without comparing signs, responsible,
created (period of time), last changes (period of time), deadline (period of time) and completed (period
of time).

Example outcome of using the filters shown:

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