Go to the Repository view and right-click on the desired FMEDA.
Choose Sync with FMEA. - Outcome: the “FMEA Selection” dialog will open.
Select your target FMEA and click on Next. - Outcome: the “Analysis Results” dialog will open.
[1] In this area you can drag columns. Same messages of the dragged column will be grouped. With a right-click on a dragged column you can ungroup the messages.
[2] In this area the results of the analyses are displayed.
• Toggle Group By Header
Shows or hides the area [1] for dragging columns to group.
• Collapse All
Collapse all expanded groups.
• Expand All
Expand all collapsed groups.
• Export
Export the analysis results as an Excel Workbook (.xls).
• Refresh
Refresh the analysis results. This can be necessary by editing the FMEDA while this dialog is
active.Select your desired results, right-click and choose Quick Fix. The selection made in this dialog triggers a selection in the editor or PSS. - Outcome: the “Quick Fix” dialog will open.
Select the desired changes and click OK. - Outcome: the selected changes will be added to the FMEDA.