Every user activates the same floating key and can then login into the system if the .
The defined purchased number of floating licenses is license users can not be exceeded at this a time.
The SOX-user must not disclose the key to third parties as the key allows anyone to use this floating license.
If SOX is not running properly anymore (e.g., because the user has just closed his notebook, or has no Internet connection), the user is automatically logged out of the server at the end of after five minutes.
Commuted Licenses
Each key is bound to the hardware ID of the computer on which the key is activated. Please provide us with your hardware ID when requesting this license type. Your hardware ID can be found on the license tab of the SOX license manager by clicking the Copy ID to clipboard button.
Type or paste the serial key previously received. - Outcome: License is now activated.
As license information Serial key, Issue Date, Expiry Date, client computer ID (MAC) and unlocked SOX modules are shown.
License Server Access
The SOX License Server is a 443 standard HTTPS server. In case you are unable to activate your license or are unable to use SOX due to license issues, you can check if you can access the license server via the following link: https://license.enco-cloud.com.
You will get an error that you are UNAUTHORIZED. Receiving this message means you are able to access the license server from your IT infrastructure. In this case, please get in contact so we can assess the issues you are facing further.
If you do not receive this message, access to the license server is probably blocked within your IT infrastructure. Access must be granted by your IT department.
Replacing an Existing License Key
In case you have received a new license key while an old key is still active in your SOX installation, it can happen that you are unable to activate the new key. In this case, you can manually delete the lod licese file (.lic) in the folder C:\Users\*your username*\sox2\licenses.
After restarting the RCP client, there should be no license visible in the license manager and you should be able to successfully activate your new license key.