License Server
The SOX license server is a 443 standard HTTPS port.
Types of Licenses
Online licenses
Floating licenses
Node licenses
Offline licenses
Check-out licenses
Commuted licenses
Internal license server
Floating Licenses
Every user activates the same floating key and can then login into the system if the defined purchased number of floating licenses is not exceeded at this time.
The SOX-user must not disclose the key to third parties as the key allows anyone to use this floating license.
If SOX is not running properly anymore (e.g., because the user has just closed his notebook, or has no Internet connection), the user is automatically logged out of the server at the end of five minutes.
Node Licenses
Each key is bound to the hardware ID of the computer on which the key is activated.
The key can be activated multiple times on the same hardware (e.g., if a user has deleted his SOX installation for some reason he can just re-activate it), but not on different hardware.
User should abstain from activating multiple keys on the same machine as this would bind all these keys to the same hardware ID.
Check-out Licenses
Users can check-out a license for a certain period of time (e.g., one day or three days), and can subsequently work offline for this period of time.
Users need to be aware that they must check-out the license before going offline.
In the case of a floating license, the user is logged-in for the period of time, i.e., checking out a license reduces the available license number for the company for this period. In this case please be sure to return the checkout. Returning the checkout license is not possible as long as the client is offline.
Commuted Licenses
Each key is bound to the hardware ID of the computer on which the key is activated. Please provide us with your hardware ID when requesting this license type. Your hardware ID can be found on the license tab of the SOX license manager by clicking the Copy ID to clipboard button.
After this license type was requested, you will receive a zip-file in which you will find your license key as a .lic file as well as your license as plain text. The .lic license key file must be saved locallyin the folder C:/User/*Your Username*/SOX2/licenses.
License Request
If no valid license key is available, please request a new license within SOX using Help – License Manager.
Please supply mandatory inputs, such as Name, Company, E-mail and requested SOX modules.
Click Send request.
Activating a License Key
Once a license is requested EnCo will send you a valid license key which needs to be activated.
Please insert your license key by clicking Activate Key.
Type or paste the serial key previously received. - Outcome: License is now activated.
As license information Serial key, Issue Date, Expiry Date, client computer ID (MAC) and unlocked SOX modules are shown.
Also see: Activating Your SOX License