RM File Import

RM File Import

You can import requirements from an Excel file or in ReqIF formats. Also, ReqIF documents can
be merged.

Importing an Excel File

Prerequisites: a Requirements document was created and is active. The Excel file needs to have identifiers on its columns for mapping the sheet to SOX.

  1. Right-click your Requirements document for the context menu.

  2. Choose Import > Import Excel.


  3. Outcome: The Excel import wizard will open.

  4. Click on Browse... to navigate to the target file.

  5. Click on the plus symbol

    to create a new import configuration or select an existing one. This configuration will be saved and can be used for further imports.

  6. Creating a new configuration depends on using the dialog depicted below. Enter a name and confirm by clicking OK.

  7. Back on the screen for step 1/5, click on Next. - Outcome: The General Settings screen shown below will open.

  8. Choose the sheet of the Excel file to be imported.

  9. Choose the starting cell to define the beginning of the requirement table.

  10. Choose the last row to be included.

  11. From the drop-down Module Identifiers Column, select a suitable entry for the mapping process. This should normally be a column with “Module” as part of its name.

  12. From the drop-down Requirement Identifiers Column, select a suitable entry for the mapping process. This is likely to be a column with “Name” or something equivalent as part of its name. If in doubt, consult the Excel file to be imported.

  13. In our example, General Settings completed looks like this:

  14. Click on Next. - Outcome: The Requirement Type Mapping screen will open.

  15. If all attributes are defined in one requirement type, set a default requirement type.

  16. Create for each column the mapping between the Excel Type and the SOX type if there is no default

  17. As the dialog suggest, map the types by clicking inside the SOX Type column. So doing will show an ellipsis, which on being clicked will open a dialog to make your selection. In our example, the selections are obvious, mapping “SW Requirement” (Excel) to “SW Requirement” (SOX), and so forth.

  18. Once done, the screen has the following appearance:

  19. Click on Next. - Outcome: The Attribute Mapping screen will open.

  20. Click inside the SOX Attribute column and the corresponding row to set the desired SOX

  21. Make the appropriate choices. In our example, this is the result:

  22. Click on Next. - Outcome: The Hierarchy Mapping screen will open.

  23. Optionally, you can select an Excel column to which the requirements hierarchy is mapped. The
    hierarchy can be defined by indentation or point-separated numerals (e.g., 1.2.1).

  24. Click on Finish.


Outcome: An Excel file was imported and will be added as a requirement module.

Re-Importing Excel (With Changes Made)

To see this feature in motion, edit and save your Excel file. Back in SOX, with your Requirements document opened, click on the Merge tab, which should be opened from the previously actioned import. If it is closed, go through File > Import > Excel Import and ensure that the desired import configuration is selected. Click Next, then click Finish on the next screen.


Importing a Requirement Document

Prerequisites: a SOX project was created, and the Repository view is active.

  1. In the Repository view, right-click on the RM folder.

  2. Select Import. - Outcome: the dialog for selecting the import wizard will open.

  3. Select SOX > Requirements Import. Possible versions are: (ReqIF 1.0.1, RIF 1.1a, RIF 1.2).

  4. Click on Next. - Outcome: The Requirements Import screen will open.

  5. Click on Browse and choose RM as your target folder.

  6. Click on Browse to select the desired file.

  7. Enter a file name.

  8. Select the desired modules.

  9. Click on Finish.

Outcome: a requirement document has been imported.

Merging Requirement Documents

  1. Open the File menu.

  2. Choose Import > ReqIF format. - Outcome: The "Requirements Import" dialog will open.

  3. Click on Browse to choose the requirement document from SOX.

  4. Click on Browse to choose the file to be merged.

  5. Select the desired modules.

  6. Click on Finish.

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