EnCo Service Desk
All queries relating to the SOX/CSOX product, as well as licensing issues, etc., should be processed using our Service Desk, which is at https://enco-software.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals:
Kindly note that access to the Service Desk requires previous registration, i.e., in order to use the Service Desk facility one needs to be an active EnCo customer. If in doubt, please refer to
Getting Started With SOX and/or https://enco-software.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SUD/pages/3440575050 as the case may require.
Your initial point of call is likely to be our support page: EnCo_Support. Listed as a Quick Link you will find the ticket system:
As indicated by the icon, clicking the link will open a new browser tab.
General Queries
To search the EnCo knowledge base, enter any string in the text box provided:
This is an example result of searching for “SOX”:
The results set includes suggested topics for more specific queries, which are in five categories. For example, clicking the link provided in order to query changes or updates to a server will open the following sheet:
Required entries are Subject and Which server / reason. There is an option to attach files to your query.
Contact Us
Contact options fall into any of three basic categories. There is some inevitable overlap with the query templates shown above.
Contact Us re. SOX
Clicking this link will open the following input screen:
The drop-down allows you to navigate to either of the other two basic options, to wit, “Registrations and Accounts” and “Servers and Infrastructure”, respectively. The SOX sheet itself provides the following options:
Get Help - general issues and queries - by the same rationale as before, it is still possible to navigate to a different topic using the drop-down menus. A summary is required; optional are a text description and attachments.
Report a System Problem - advise EnCo of possible bugs or related issues - required entries are Problem Summary and Description (to include mention of the SOX version used).
Desktop Support - request remote help using technology/implements such as Webex, TeamViewer or Skype - required fields are Summary and Details (e.g., SOX version, problems encountered and desired channel of communication).
Licensing Issues - this is relevant if you require a new license and/or there is a problem with an existing one - this sheet requires a Description of your request.
Training - use this item to request SOX training or relate technical information - a Summary is required, e.g. “We require FMEA training for four employees.”
Update - relevant if an updated SOX version is required/desired - this involves an amount of technical information; hence, Affected Services is a required field in addition to Summary and Description.
Affected Services
Contact Us re. Registrations and Accounts
Licensing Issues - see above
Problems With Your Account - such as inability to sign into SOX - Summary is required.
New Account - this item relates to problems in using the Service Desk itself - Summary is required.
Contact Us re. Servers and Infrastructure
Items of this type are relevant in the context of changes to your network infrastructure, such as migrating a server. Please provide, at the minimum, a Summary and tell us about the server affected, as well as the reason for making the change.
Your Support Ticket: Example Process
Reproduced above is an example support issue. It is identified by a Jira reference, in combination with its title (as entered by you). Any system e-mail sent to you regarding this issue will have as its subject these two elements, e.g. “SDSP-5888 Summary”. In evidence on the upper right-hand side are the ticket status in Jira, as well as actions available to you, e.g. escalate, resolve, cancel.
Clicking on the + Share button will open a text box
designed for the input of contacts within your organization with whom you wish to share the ticket. So doing will have the effect of a query on tickets “raised by anybody” returning the result set of tickets shared with the person doing the search.