Common Connection Problems for the SOX Server and SOX License Server
SOX License Server connection:
Are you connecting to the License Server?
a. You need an active internet connection.
b. Most of the time the firewall is the limiting factor. Try:
i. Disabling the firewall completely and starting SOX to see if the connection
ii. If this works: Allow for the ports 443 and/or 8080 to be used in a firewall
iii. Sometimes you need to check internet traffic services like zscaler and add
your exception there
c. You can test your connection with using the following curl command in your shell
(E.g. PowerShell, cmd):
i. curl -v -d "keyValue=5F19F0-257609-42E473-162EA5-558D11-822449-
ii. If the answer includes {"cryptedLicenseToken":null,"serialKey":null}*
Connection #0 to host left intact, your connection is
workingIs your license active?
a. Check if you have the license in the right folder:
i. ~USERFOLDER~\sox2\licenses\license.lic
b. Is your license still valid?
If none of these solutions work for you, don’t hesitate to contact us via the service desk!
SOX Server connection:
Check if you have the right data base system installed and running
a. Until 3.4.0 we DON’T support MySQL8!
b. We only support MySQL5 5.7 or Oracle.Check the instructions for the server installation for anything you might have overlooked
b. (One common mistake is forgetting to adjust the connector in the
<INSTALL_FOLDER>/sox2server.ini fileMost of the time the firewall is the limiting factor. Try:
a. Disabling the firewall completely and starting the Server to see if the connection
b. If this works: Allow for the port 2036 or whatever port you have chosen in the
sox2server.ini to be used in a firewall exception.
c. Sometimes you need to check internet traffic services like zscaler and add your
exception there
If none of these solutions work for you, don’t hesitate to contact us via the service desk!