The FMEDA Project Safety Goals View

The Project safety goals view displays all Project safety goals. Furthermore, in this view Project safety goals can be created, edited, deleted and assigned.

Creating Project Safety Goals

Prerequisite: the Project safety goals view is active.

  1. Right-click inside the Project safety goals view.

  2. Choose New > Safety goal. - Outcome: the" New safety goal" dialog will open.

  3. Enter a Name for the safety goal.

  4. Enter a Safe State.
    • Enter an EOT, FTT, FTTI.
    • Enter a Safe Reduction.
    • Enter a Warning Concept.
    • Enter a Safety Level.

  5. Choose the Norm according to the desired safety calculation ASIL, SIL, PL, MSIL.

  6. Choose the Safety Level according to the chosen norm.

To create more safety goals, click on Save & proceed; then you can directly enter a new name for a new
diagnosis. With OK you save your diagnosis and finish the process. With Cancel the process will be

Outcome: a new Safety goal was created.

Assigning Project Safety Goals

Prerequisite: the FMEDA Editor and the Project safety goals view are active. A Project safety goal
was created.


Left-click on the Assign button of the desired safety goal.

Outcome: SOX automatically extends the FMEDA table with additional columns for metric calculation per
safety goal.

Merging Project Safety Goals

Prerequisites: safety goals were created and the Project safety goals view is active. The safety goals
have no safety relevance and are in the same safety norm calculation.


  1. Select the desired safety goals (hold CTRL + left-click).

  2. Right-click on one selected safety goal.

  3. Choose Merge safety goals. - Outcome: the "Merge Safety Goals" dialog will open.

  4. Enter a Name for the new safety goal.

  5. Enter the remaining parameters for the new generated safety goal.

  6. Click on Finish.

Outcome: the safety goals were merged and the newly generated safety goal will be added to your project.

Assigning Safety Relevance


  1. Double-click inside the SR (SP) [1]/SR (MP) [2] column of the desired Failure Mode row.

Outcome: the failure mode is now safety related which is displayed by a X symbol.



Edit Project Safety Goals

To edit Project safety goals, select the desired one. Right-click on it and choose Edit. After that, the
"Edit Project safety goals" dialog will open.

Deleting Project Safety Goals

To delete a Project safety goal, right-click on the desired one and choose Delete. - Outcome: the Refactoring dialog will open. To finally delete the project safety goal, click on Finish.