SOX Feature Updates & Release Notes
Version 4.1.0
SOX Version 4.1.0 provides the following novel features and improvements compared to SOX Version 4.0.0:
Web-Based SOX
Please note that as of now, the Web-Based SOX applications are not part of the regular subscription up to version 4.0.0. and need to be requested separately.
With the SOX version 4.1.0, the TARA and HARA modules as well as the newly implemened Report Designer are now available on the new, web-based C-SOX client.
HARA (Hazard and Risk Analysis according to ISO 26262)
Migration to the web-based C-SOX client
Hazard and Risk Analysis tool according to ISO 26262
Improved multi-user capabilities
Improved layout and navigation
Improved file creation and editing capabilities
Reporting capabilities
Tooltips are now available for all HARA values
TARA (Threat and Risk Analysis according to ISO 21434)
Migration to the web-based C-SOX client
Threat and Risk Analysis tool according to ISO 21434
Enhanced Views for TARA related elements such as damage- and threat scenarios
Improved multi-user capabilities
Improved layout and navigation
Improved file creation and editing capabilities
Reporting capabilities
Tooltips are now available for all TARA values
Report Designer (e.g generation of safety and security concepts)
Web-Based tool to create template-based safety- and security reports
Adaptable templates to create standardized, periodical reports
Create and adapt technical security reports, requirement and test case reports, security concepts, etc.
Visualization of SOX project files and SysML diagrams via drag-and-drop inside the report
Live synchronization with SysML diagrams
Live update capabilities
Placeholder features to filter and import specific data from among SOX projects
List related documents from throughout SOX as well as external files uploaded to the client
C-SOX missing features to be added in release 4.1.1.
There is currently no restriction in place preventing users to add data from unrelated projects
There is no measure in place preventing users from editing the same part of one document, resulting in potential data loss
so far there is no user management, meaning everyting is virtually done by one user which has impacts on the tracking of changes
SOX RCP Client:
Improved stability
Improved performance
Improved multi-user capabilities
Live synchronization with the web-based C-SOX client
An issue was resolved with the merge function during Excel export
An issue with adding variants has been resolved
An issue has been resolved where export diagrams did not work on selections
An issue ahs been resolved where the apply button from the dialog box for setting parameters for gates/events was not working
An issue has been resolved that impared the copying of parts
A feature was added allowing different versions of a FMEA file to be merged
An issue was fixed that prevented connections to be deleted
An issue has been resolved where safety goals were not displayed properly in the report
An issue has been resolved that caused an error when creating a FMEDA report
An issue has been resolved that prevented multiple functions or malfunctions to be created in sequence
An issue has been resolved where Hardware effects could not be deleted
An issue has been resolved with copying modules
An issue has been resolved where the propagation was not displayed correctly
Obsolete objects have been removed from the ctalog selection
Version 4.0.0
SOX Version 4.0.0 provides the following novel features and improvements compared to SOX Version 3.3.12:
SOX general:
Baselining feature
Presence UI feature
Locking feature
Git export feature
Manual Save feature
Compare feature
CDO (Eclipse EMF) 4.2 update
Papyrus 6.1 update
IBM Doors (DNG) interface
Polarion interface
Jama interface
Intland codebeamer interface
LDAP interface
[CSOX-303] Patch: Documents Properties shows wrong entries
[CSOX-304] Patch: GoTo/ShowIn function (TARA-ATA) not working
[CSOX-820] Patch: Risk Value should have numerical values
[CSOX-824] Risk Value to be empty if Impact Category not set
[CSOX-826] Patch: "Decisions" and "Actions" columns inactive if risk treatment set to "retaining the risk"
[CSOX-827] Patch: Dialog has wrong text after changing risk profile in document properties
[CSOX-828] Changes to layout and labelling
[CSOX-1055] Change default settings for norm and profile
[CSOX-825] New ATA file dialog
Version 3.3.12
SOX Version 3.3.12 provides the following novel features and improvements compared to SOX Version 3.3.10:
SOX general:
[CSOX-1007] Update log4j to V2.17.2