Creating a New Project

Creating a New Project

  1. Right-click inside the Repository view to open the context menu. Select New and SOX Project.

  2. On the dialog, click the Browse… button to identify your Target Folder. “Projects” is the pre-selected default.

  3. On the next dialog, click to select your chosen Target Folder, then confirm by clicking OK. It is possible to add (and delete) child folders to “Projects”, and to use these as targets. The “Projects” root folder is always available and cannot be deleted. For the sake of illustration, we create a new folder by clicking the '+' icon.

  4. On the New project dialog, enter a Name (mandatory, needs to be unique within your chosen target folder), a Project Code (optional) and a Description (optional), then click Finish.

  5. Outcome: a dialog will open prompting you open any diagrams and/or documents associated with your project. This action will always be possible, because a Requirements document is automatically added to the new project. Make your selection and confirm by clicking Open selected or dismiss the dialog by clicking Close.

  6. Outcome: your project will open according to your chosen parameters.

Project Codes

As demonstrated above, a project code can be manually entered during project creation. To edit the code for an existing project, right-click on an open project and select Document Properties.

Outcome: the Properties dialog will open, allowing you to edit the project code.

Business IDs

The dialog shown above also allows you to manage the formatting of your business IDs:

This view lists by category all Business IDs that exist in your SOX configuration.

A value of the semantical form DEFAULT(TA${SN})) indicates that TA${SN} represents the default formatting pattern, which does not use leading zeroes, e.g., “TA1234”.

The pattern can be customized as required. In so doing, the following placeholders/variables are available:

${SN} - the object serial number - this persists during any changes to the pattern.

${PC} - the project code

${DB} - the object database ID, unique to a repository, hence subject to change after importing a project from another source

In the context of Requirements, SOX offers the Requirement Types for use in formatting. Thus, a new pattern for a Hardware Requirement might look something like this:

HW${PC}${SN}     -> HW

Formatted (for Project Code “PRQQ”), this would become HWPRQQ0000001.

Clicking the Variables button next to any pattern will open the following dialog:

Selection of a variable will add it to the selected pattern, e.g. --

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