Find/Search Function

You can use the search facility by using the shortcut Ctrl + F. This function works with the FMEA Editor, Failure net and Function net.

File Search

The file search engine allows for a number of configurations. For demonstration’s sake, if you search for any occurrence of any character within your entire workspace (entering a '?' as your search criterion under Containing text:), predictably the search will return numerous matches, displayed in the Search window:

Git Search

As is evident from the screenshot, the overall logic and search parameters are similar to the text search, while the scope can be adapted to reflect the structures of the Git interface and repositories.

Example output returned from a random search on any character:

Papyrus Search

In addition to what is apparent from the screenshot, the Papyrus search can be parameterized as follows:

  • Query kind: Text search vs. OCL (Object Constraint Language) search

  • Search kind: Simple vs. Advanced search

Example representation of the advanced search interface:

Customizing the Search Interface

After clicking the Customize… button, it is possible to hide one or two of the three tabs shown by default: