Creating Test Groups

Test groups can be organized at the Hierarchy view of the Test perspective. Test groups are necessary for test suites and test cases because they are used as containers and root elements.

The following procedure explains how to create test groups from the hierarchy view.


Prerequisites: a test specification was created and the Hierarchy view is active.

  1. Right-click inside the hierarchy view.

  2. Choose New > Test Module.

    - Outcome: the "Add Test Group" dialog will open.

  3. Enter a name for the Test Group.

  4. Optionally, click on the … button to determine a responsible employee for this test group. - Outcome: the dialog for selecting an individual from the employee catalog (which may be empty if not set up previously) will open.

  5. Click on Finish. - Outcome: a test group was created and added to the hierarchy view and the test specification.