Creating SOX Functions in System Designer

Create a SOX Function diagram to specify a Functions net, their hierarchy, associated malfunctions, and allocations of functions to system elements. Malfunctions are assigned to functions via a Composition relationship from the function to the malfunction. Functions are assigned to system elements via an Allocate relationship.

Connections between malfunctions defined in failure nets (cause-effect-relationships) are added to the
system design as well. They are represented in SysML by dependencies with a SOX-specific stereotype
Effects applied. Hence, the failure net connections can be represented by, a Function diagram, for example.

The SOX Functions diagram has been extended with the following Stereotypes:


  • Function (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • Malfunction (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • Diagnoses (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • SafetyFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • ProcessCharacteristics (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • ProductCharacteristics (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • InterfaceFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • GovernmentFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)

  • SystemElement (stereotyped SysML Block)