Creating SOX Functions in System Designer
Create a SOX Function diagram to specify a Functions net, their hierarchy, associated malfunctions, and allocations of functions to system elements. Malfunctions are assigned to functions via a Composition relationship from the function to the malfunction. Functions are assigned to system elements via an Allocate relationship.
Connections between malfunctions defined in failure nets (cause-effect-relationships) are added to the
system design as well. They are represented in SysML by dependencies with a SOX-specific stereotype
Effects applied. Hence, the failure net connections can be represented by, a Function diagram, for example.
The SOX Functions diagram has been extended with the following Stereotypes:
Function (stereotyped SysML Block)
Malfunction (stereotyped SysML Block)
Diagnoses (stereotyped SysML Block)
SafetyFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)
ProcessCharacteristics (stereotyped SysML Block)
ProductCharacteristics (stereotyped SysML Block)
InterfaceFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)
GovernmentFunction (stereotyped SysML Block)
SystemElement (stereotyped SysML Block)